Alert List - Card View
All (progress not provided)
Open (progress=Triggered)
Closed (progress=Closed)
Supports exact match, regex match and wildcard match. String with '/' prefix and suffix will be treated as regex. Example: specifying ('datacenter' IN ['bj01','sh-*','']) AND ('host' IN '/api-server-\d+/') will match alerts from data centers 'bj01' and 'sh-01','sh-02' with hostname matching regex 'api-server-\d+'
This time is query's start_time, not related to alert's start_time. Actual search condition is: alert.start_time<=query.end_time and alert.last_time>=query.start_time
This time is query's end_time, not related to alert's end_time. Actual search condition is: alert.start_time<=query.end_time and alert.last_time>=query.start_time
Critical, Info, Warning supports multiple values, comma separated
Only filter alerts from channels related to me
Not provided means query all, true means only return silenced or inhibited alerts, false means only return alerts never inhibited
label format must match regex ^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$, value length must not exceed 512 bytes
"view_id": "string",
"progress": "string",
"title": "string",
"channel_id": 0,
"data_source_id": 0,
"start_time": 0,
"end_time": 0,
"alert_severity": "string",
"is_my_channel": true,
"ever_muted": true,
"labels": {}
Request samples
Note: Only returns 100 items when matches exceed 100