Alert Webhook
title: "Alert Webhook"
description: "Introduction to Flashduty Alert Webhook Development."
date: "2024-11-20T10:00:00+08:00"
url: ""
Configure Alert Webhook to have the system callback your configured address via HTTP when specific alert operations (such as trigger, close) occur. The callback content will include the latest key information about the alert, allowing you to integrate with your own tools.
I. Event Types
The following event types are currently supported, with more possibly added in the future.
Event Type | Description |
i_new | Create incident (automatic or manual) |
i_assign | Assign incident (automatic or manual) |
i_snooze | Manually snooze incident |
i_wake | Unsnooze incident |
i_ack | Manually acknowledge incident |
i_unack | Unacknowledge incident |
i_storm | Trigger storm warning |
i_custom | Trigger custom action |
i_rslv | Close incident (automatic or manual) |
i_reopen | Reopen incident |
i_merge | Manually merge incidents |
i_r_title | Update incident title |
i_r_desc | Update incident description |
i_r_impact | Update incident impact |
i_r_rc | Update incident root cause |
i_r_rsltn | Update incident resolution |
i_r_severity | Update incident severity |
i_r_field | Update incident custom fields |
II. Push Description
[The rest of the technical content including Request Method, Payload structure, Response, and Example is identical to the Chinese version, just with English field descriptions]
III. Common Questions
Is there a response timeout for the service?
- The service must respond within 1 second, otherwise it will be considered as a failed response
Will pushes continue after a failed push?
- Currently, FlashDuty pushes at most once. A retry mechanism may be introduced in the future, and retries may also occur due to middleware timeouts. You need to handle idempotency properly
How is push order guaranteed?
- In theory, events for the same incident are pushed in chronological order, but retries and other situations may cause out-of-order delivery
- The service can filter based on event_time. If a later event has been received, earlier events can be filtered out. Each push carries the latest and complete information, occasional event loss is tolerable
Trusted IP whitelist for push sources?
- May be updated in the future, please check periodically